Saturday, April 15, 2023
Devotions for Divine Mercy
Saturday, March 25, 2023
To our Lady of Sorrows
The feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary is always celebrated on the Friday of Passion Week, this year March 31. St. Gabriel of our Lady of Sorrows spoke thus of our Sorrowful Mother,
“Love Mary!… She is loveable, faithful, constant. She will never let herself be outdone in love, but will ever remain supreme. If you are in danger, she will hasten to free you. If you are troubled, she will console you. If you are sick, she will bring you relief. If you are in need, she will help you. She does not look to see what kind of person you have been. She simply comes to a heart that wants to love her. She comes quickly and opens her merciful heart to you, embraces you and consoles and serves you. She will even be at hand to accompany you on the trip to eternity”
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Seven Prayers of St. Gregory on the Passion of the Lord
Holy Mother Church honors Pope St. Gregory the Great with a feast on March 12. Well-educated and pious, St. Gregory worked tirelessly for the Church. He was chosen Pope in 590 and reigned until 604. During that time he fought against heresies, sent missionaries to convert pagans, including to England, and took care of the poor and sick. He watched over the priests and the sacred traditions of the Church, and he is also well-known for his influence over the Church's music with Gregorian Chant. From the words from an antiphon in his office, he was called, "the Father of the City, the joy of the World."
The following prayer, penned by St. Gregory the Great, was a well-known medieval prayer often found in prayer books containing the Hours. Pious tradition holds that one day while St. Gregory was celebrating Mass, Christ Himself appeared during the Consecration as a sign of His True Presence in the Eucharist. Thus, often accompanying the prayer in these prayer books was a picture of St. Gregory, genuflecting at the Consecration, with Christ appearing on the Crucifix in front of the Altar.
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Seven Prayers of St. Gregory on the Passion of the Lord
1 Our Father. 1 Hail Mary.
III. O Lord Jesus, I ask by the bitterness of Thy Passion, which Thou didst undergo in the hour of Thy death, so much so when Thy most holy soul left Thy blessed body, have mercy upon my soul when it leaves my body, and lead it to eternal life. Amen.
IV. O Lord Jesus, I adore Thee placed in Thy tomb, anointed with myrrh and aromatic spices. I beg Thee that Thy death may be my life. Amen.
V. O Lord Jesus, I adore Thee descending into hell and freeing the captives from there. I beg Thee, that Thou mayest never permit me to enter there. Amen.
VI. O Lord Jesus, I adore Thee rising from the dead, ascending into heaven, and sitting at the right hand of the Father. I beg Thee that I may be worthy to follow Thee and be with Thee. Amen.
VII. O Lord Jesus, O good Shepherd, preserver of the just, justifier of sinners, have mercy upon all the faithful and be gracious to me, a wretched and unworthy sinner. Amen.
Prayer: I beseech Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, that Thy Passion may be a strength to me by which I may be strengthened, protected and defended. May Thy wounds be to me food and drink by which I may be nourished, inebriated, and delighted. May the sprinkling of Thy Blood be to me an ablution for all my sins. May Thy death be eternal glory to me. In these may my refreshment, joy, health, zeal, delight, and desire of my body and soul, now and forever. Amen.
Prayer: O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, place Thy Passion, Cross, and Death between Thy judgment and my soul, now and in the hour of my death. Deign to grant me grace and mercy, pardon to the living, eternal rest to the dead, peace to Thy Church, and life and eternal glory to all sinners. Thou who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen
--from the Paradisus Animae (1670)
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Free Lenten Devotional
Blessed Lent to all!
I pray this solemn season is finding you growing in love of our Lord and his most blessed Mother. May we adore our Lord, meditating on His Passion, and honor our Lady, pierced with swords of sorrow as she stands at the foot of His Cross.
During Lent of last year for my family, I created a devotional to our Lady of Sorrows. While my children and I focused on one of the sorrows of our Lady each week of Lent, this devotional could be prayed all at once as well. Lent is a most fitting time to meditate on our Lady of Sorrows and her most tender heart, but this devotion can also be prayed anytime throughout the year. I love the devotion to our Lady of Sorrows and strive to pray her chaplet daily.
I hope this simple devotional I composed helps you truly honor and love our Lady of Sorrows this year during your Lenten journey or whenever you choose to pray it. It is a useful devotional for adults, children, or families. This devotional is free for your use. I simply ask if you post about or share this devotional or one of my other ideas, that you please be kind enough to link back to me. Please do not link directly to any of my files on Scribd, rather link directly to my original post. My ideas are not to be used for profit, and are to be used for personal use by individuals, families, and teachers.
If you are interested in this devotional, you can download it here: Seven Sorrows of Mary
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Saturday, February 18, 2023
I wanted to let everyone know that I am currently working to switch my blog to a different name and web address, hopefully helping people remember it and thus locate these prayers easier. While it is still a work in progress, as I still need to update all the links, I wanted to give you the new address and name. I have copied over all the old posts; I just need to update links. Until I finish, I will post both here and the new website.
My new blog name is The Cross through the Flames, which can be found at the following link.
I will eventually have a redirect from this blog to the new blog. Thank you for your patience while I complete all of these tasks to finish setting it up. I hope you will all visit the new blog and continue to follow me there as soon as I finalize it. May God reward you!
Also this week I hope to post a project that I created, which I feel is perfect for Lent. It will be free to use for your meditations. I pray you have a blessed Lent!
Sunday, February 12, 2023
A Fun New Family Game
Saturday, February 4, 2023
For the Feast of St. Cyril of Alexandria
St. Cyril of Alexandria is honored by Holy Mother Church with a feast day on February 9. Even at a young age, Cyril's intelligence shone. St. Cyril possessed a great zeal for the salvation of souls and for the defense of Holy Mother Church. He later became bishop of Alexandria, a position he held for 32 years. He worked tirelessly against heresy and is especially known for his defense against the Nestorian heresy.
Preached by Nestorius, who at the time was the bishop of Constantinople, the Nestorian heresy taught that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary as man only; thus, he called our Lady Christokos, meaning mother of Christ, as opposed to Theotokos, meaning mother of God. While Nestorius believed in Christ's two natures, he heretically explained this as two separate persons, teaching only the human person of Christ suffered and died. At the Council of Ephesus, over which St. Cyril presided, the Nestorian heresy was entirely condemned, as was Nestorius himself. The doctrine of the Incarnation of Our Lord, as well as the truth of Christ's two natures united in one Divine Person The Council of Ephesus also defined the dogma of Mary as Theotokos, Mother of God. St. Cyril of Alexandria is known as the Defender of the Incarnation. He died in 444 and was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1881 by Pope Leo XIII.
By St Cyril of Alexandria
Venerable Treasure of Creation,
crown of virginity,
support of the true faith,
on which the Church is founded, throughout the world.
Mother of God,
who contained the infinite God under your heart,
whom no space can contain.
adored and glorified,
demons are vanquished,
Satan cast down from heaven into hell
and our fallen nature again assumed into heaven.
held captive in the bonds of idolatry,
arrives at the knowledge of Truth.
What more shall I say of you?
through whom the Only-Begotten Son of God
has become the Star of Light to those sitting in darkness
and in the shadow of death.